Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Vespa peacekeepers (Congo 1960)

Vespa into Indonesia in 1960 through the car manufacturers ( Single Agent Brand ) PT Danmotors Vespa Indonesia / DVI in Pulo Gadung, Jakarta is now defunct ( now held by PT Sentra Creative Commerce / SKN as primary dealers only. Note : Not importers or exclusive distributor )

Congo Vespa is a ....
Vespa award from the government of Indonesia to the Indonesian contingent of peacekeepers serving in Congo at the time. Troops called Garuda Contingent ( Konga abbreviated or Garuda troops ) were taken into account in the world than any other country 's peacekeepers are Indonesian National Army troops were assigned to peacekeeping missions in other countries . Indonesia began to participate to send troops as part of a UN peacekeeping force since 1957. Initially , when Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945 , Egypt immediately convene foreign ministers of the Arab League countries and is the first country to recognize Indonesia's sovereignty by coming directly to the capital city of Indonesia at that time that Yogyakarta. To return the favor of Egypt and the Arab League , President Sukarno reply to the defense of the Arab countries in international forums by visiting Egypt and Saudi Arabia in 1956 and Iraq in April 1960.

In 1956 , when the UN General Assembly decided to withdraw British troops , France and Israel from Egyptian territory , Indonesia supports the decision and for the first time send PKF into Egypt , called the Garuda Contingent I or Konga I.

Konga II sent to Congo in 1960 under UNOC mission with 1,074 troops number of people , served in Congo September 1960 until May 1961 .

Konga III sent to the Congo in 1962 under the mission UNOC the number of troops 3,457 people, consisting of Battalion 531 / Raiders , units of the Military District Command II / Bukit Barisan , Cavalry Battalion 7 , and combat support elements , in charge until the end of 1963. Menpangad Lt. Gen. Ahmad Yani 've been to Headquarters UN force in Congo (then called Zaire ) on May 19, 1963.
 After completing the task of peace heavy, Garuda troops received a token of appreciation from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of Vespa (other sources say there are also awards the form of money and a few crates sewing needle). In the market there are known Vespa Congo in 1963 for contingent 2 and 3. Less known whether one contingent well get it, because such information is not easily obtained. Interesting and unknown to many people, giving the Vespa is not independent of the military tradition in the world in terms of rank. Green Vespa 150cc intended for higher-level soldiers kepangkatannya, followed by yellow and blue Vespa 125cc to rank lower level. Additionally in order to distinguish it from the vespa vespa another one type, number sign pinned the soldier concerned at the left side of the handlebar (handlebar) oval made of brass and an accompanying plaque. So berseliweranlah vespa's mentioned passing by streets so vespa with round ass is known mostly as a vespa Congolese society, while others just generalize with vespa name Ndog (eggs) for the right side of his left rounded like an egg

Vespa Congo is not produced in Italy but in Germany. With raw material steel plates were louder than the Vespa generally round, this displacement has more than the level of completeness of Italian-made Vespa commonly circulating in Indonesia (VBB1T and VBB2T).

Jacob Oswald Hoffmann is a German who contributed enter Vespa to Germany. Vespa cooperation with Hoffmann broke early 1955 for Hoffmann designed the model of sport itself. Then vespa cooperation with Messerschmitt Co. which then issued its first Vespa production in 1955 also. They issued two models Vespa GS in Indonesia is often referred to as the German version and the 150 GS Touren. They also provide after-sales service and spare parts for production Vespa Hoffmann. This cooperation continued until the end of 1957. Vespa GmbH Augsburg then established in 1958 as a joint venture between Piaggio and Martial Fane Organisation, this joint venture then also provide some parts for Vespa Messerschmitt. When cooperation with Congo Vespa Augsburg is ordered to Indonesia.

Both models are made when teamed with Messerschmitt (150 Touren and GS) and then developed with some modifications. Besides Vespa GmbH Augsburg also spawned Vespa 125 cc which was first introduced in 1958. Production continued until 1963, which is when the peak of the scooter and produced changes that are not too much. Furthermore, Germany chose only imported directly from the Italian Vespa.

Characteristic Vespa Congo:
  • There eagle emblem in the left front body
  • In the article listed BPKB ex Brigade Garuda III
diSadur : ayazcuu

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