Senin, 30 Mei 2016

taxibike vespa ( in Bogor, Indonesia )

Cs Gojek now has a new competitor in the city of Bogor. Piaggio Vespa motorcycle is'Siaka Trans'. A fleet of taxis special local online Bogor.

In contrast to most online motorcycle (GrabBike, Blujek and others), online vespa motorcycle is carrying a slightly different idea, namely wear specially Vespa Piaggio vehicles.

Tariffs, vespa motorcycle still arguably compete. With the price of Rp 30 thousand to Rp 50 thousand (corresponding kilometer), Customer Ready Antar Where Aja (Siaka) Safe Reliable Offers (Muantep). Unfortunately for orders only can be done via online application or WhatsApp.

Founder Vespa motorcycle Siaka, Good Word said, it deliberately chose Vespa vehicle shuttle services for business people. Ojeks Vespa itself has established in August 2015 ago.

"If the motor matic 150 cc Vespa has a wider seat and padded. So it could be more convenient for passengers. And this new Vespa motorcycle in Bogor and our team in Yogyakarta, "he told Radar Bogor.

Although now only has four Vespa fleet by 15 to 20 orders a day. Nice optimistic to undergo a transport business which he believes will continue to grow, with rates and services ditawarkanya.

"Customers we are currently still dominated by school children. Because the belief system. We anti late. And the riders helmet, shower cap, mask and raincoat. If the regular tariff Rp10 thousand per five kilometers and kilometers further Rp2.500, "he explained.

Although this nascent business. He was not kidding and origin in recruiting people into cooperating. For example, for the driver. He has specific criteria for diriver vespa motorcycle.

Should young children (cool) and a neat appearance. In accepting any customer, it is more selective in taking orders.

"Drivers do we all have fragrant and looks also not really a motorcycle taxi driver. With the standard age of 19 to 26 years. For reservations we still via line @ bagusfirman46 or whattsapp 082228248082. We did not receive a call girl who asked to be taken to the hotel-hotek jasmine. Fear of bad luck, "said resident of Tegal Lega, North Bogor subdistrict it.

For a fee himself, Nice as the owner is still implementing the staffing of the drivers. "With a salary of Rp 1 million per month and meal allowance sebasar Rp15 thousand per day," he explained.


3 komentar:

  1. Woow so unique broo heheh keep it up!!
    ..hmm but only in bogor?

    1. Thanks coi,
      currently only in Bogor and ngayogyakarta, I hope next in cilacap.

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